I Love My Cup of Coffee, do you?: September 2010

With Love it's All Possible

Friday, September 17, 2010

Web Resource Review: Sewing.org

What is the website all about ?
  • This website is all about sewing.
Usefulness of the webite in Home Economics teaching?
  • It provides step-by-step on sewing.
  • Eevery month it comes out with a new guideline that as a teacher we may adopt this to ponder over.
  • It also recommends on differents ewing machines.
  • It is  not useful for students as itis quite in-depth and too wordy.
  • The site is also messy.

Web Resources Review: Foodtube.net

What is the website all about ?
  • This website is more focus on finding recipes.
Usefulness of the webite in Home Economics teaching?
  • It provides a  wide range of recipes that is simple to perform in class.
  • Allows you to upload your own video.
  • Good for the Food and Nutrition students to source for recipes for coursework.
  • It's forum pages is good and questions asked include cutting skills, baking tips and such.
  • The site however is not more a fusion of you tube and a forum page.
  • Not much on lessons which can helped students to learn.

Web Resources Review: Health Promotion Board

What is the website all about ?
  • This is a government website and encompasses a huge part on health.
Usefulness of the webite in Home Economics teaching?
  • It provides a very comprehensive details and a very good tool of teaching for all Home economics teachers.
  • It is always updated and gives the latest information.
  • It has many tools that is very useful for both students and teachers, especially in coursework.
  • The site nevertheless the best and the only problem is it will require one to fully understand it and toggle over it times and again to see the best of it.

Web Resources Review: Brainpop.com

What is the website all about ?
  • This website entails a few topics from Maths, English, Science, Social studies, arts, Music and Health.
  • Requires subscriptions
  • Founded in 1999
  • Originates from the USA
Usefulness of the webite in Home Economics teaching?
  • A very comprehensive site that looks into details well andvery well presented.'
  • The use of flash and animae will certainly engaged students in its learning.
  • It will link one item to another and is good enough to cover a texbook.
  • This site is good enough for student to use directly and as a self-directef tool.
  • It comes in level to help studet see their level of progress.

  • It do not covers much Home Economics topic apart from Health looking at human organs.

Web Resources Review: Fiberworld.com

What is the website all about ?
  • This website is from USA.
  • Its main aim is on the subject matter fiber solely.
Usefulness of the webite in Home Economics teaching?
  • It provides a "Quickguide" on fiber manufacture.
  • Overview of videos and resources like books availble for purchase
  • It gives a clear overview on the topic on fiber.
  • Not only is this useful for students, but also to teachers.
  • As teachers, we can bring studnets straight to this site and allow them totoggle between the pages to learn on fiber.
  • A very comprehensive site just on fiber.\
  • It also gives link for a more in-depth knowledge on fiber.
  • The site however is not user-friendly in a way it is quite words intensive and too much science in it that can make student dozed off.
  • Probably more animations and colours will be attactive for students as generally the topic on fiber is dry.

Introduction to Clothing and Textiles

Introduction to Food and Nutrition

Introduction to the Home Economics Curriculum

This was my class on Home Economics Curriculum. Our tutor, Ms Chin gave a great overview of Home Economics here. I am beginning to see the subject in a broad overview.

The history of Home economics were also covered. It explains the rationale behind the subject and how over the years, its requirement changes to having the subject mandatory for both boys and girls.

We were exposed to to SOW or known as Scheme of Work and Lesson Plan and the differences.

As our first assignment, we were tasked to prepare a SOW of 5 weeks for the lower secondary that has a theme for example Racial Harmony. We have till the end of Week 4 to submit.

The best part of this session was the view of Home Economics by our colleagues.

We had a group sharing and my group consisting of Jay, Gmah, Farah, Yvonne and myself talks about how Home Economics was created for both gender with one basic objective for the better you and I be it as a  woman or a man for future's purpose or as a life skill.

In a nutshell, Home Economics that has a wide spectrum from cooking, to sewing to finance and food safety, is a Jack of all trade and Master of Everything.

First week in NIE ( An overview of Home Economics Curriculum, Food & Nutrition and Clothing &Textiles

After reciting the Teacher's Pledge on the 25th of August 2010 at Nanyang Polytechnic, a mixed feeling of excitement and anxiety came through me. I'm really looking forward to my new career as a teacher when the term starts on 6th September 2010.

It was indeed a fruitful first week I had at NIE. As much as I was rushed for Hari Raya preparation, somehow I was glad to be able to stay focus. This is especially so due to the great support I had from my colleagues.

The core subjects for the first semester were divided into Home Economics Curriculum, Food & Nutrition and Clothing & Textiles.

Through the learning outlines given, I really look forward to understand the subject of Home Economics deeper and the best method of delivering the teachings of Food and Nutrition and Clothing and Textiles.
                              The day we recite the Teacher's Pledge and embedded it in us.
Looking forward to update on the happenings of the week.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dreams do come true............

The very first time I stepped into NIE, I looked up to the sky and thanked God for granting my wish, a long awaited wish which I had in me since I was 5 years old. Scribbling on the house's walls, my folks' mirrors and wardrobes, was my forte. Many a times too, my family would caught me talking to myself in the mirror pretending I was a teacher, teaching invisible souls, which only God knows who.

My love for teaching, started when I first met my kindergarten teacher, Ms Tan. I love observing her. She treated all students the same and always strived to save the sinking ones, like myself. Overtime, my love for teaching grew immensely, and after 22 years of wait, I'm just a hurdle away to the truth. It is the toughest and the most challenging hurdle, yet it is the door to my dream... I'm beginning to believe afterall DREAMS DO COME TRUE.........